Welcome to ALPHA1 Security - the Number ONE Security Consulting Team in the Costa Blanca and Costa Valencia Region.

Do you feel completely safe and secure at home or while travelling?

Having NO worries about intruders, burglaries or car theft?


If Yes congratulations you are one of a few!




You need to talk to ALPHA1 Security Consulting,

for a tailor-made solution!

!Make YOUR Home YOUR Fortress!

ALPHA1 Security Consulting will make sure that YOUR property is secure and YOUR family feels safe and supported as it has never been more important than now.

Learn more about our services and our approach to home security and preparedness.

Rising numbers of, House Burglaries, Squatters, Car Theft and Car Robberies make more and more people deeply concerned about their safety and security at home and in their car.

ALPHA1 Security specializes in:

  • Perimeter Security
  • Reinforcing Main Entrance Doors, Fences/Walls, Surveillance
  • Perimeter Alarms 
  • Home Security and Alarm Systems
  • Doors/Frames and Locks
  • Reinforcing Windows and Glass Doors
  • Indoor/Outdoor Alarm Systems
  • Anti-Squatter Security measurements
  • Adaptation and creation of “Panic Rooms”
  • Safe storage of valuables (Watches, Jewelleries, Money, …)
  • Anti-Car Theft and Anti-Car Robberies Protection (P.A.R.T.)
  • Specialized Home Defence Equipment and Tactical Training (T.E.S.E.T.)
  • Self Defence Training Courses for Women and Men (S.A.F.E.+)
  • Martial Arts Training

Let's talk about Houses:

If you think an Alarm Systema Safety Door Lock, and the Police arriving at the crime scene, is ALL you need to protect YOUR family, YOUR valuables and YOURself from being robbed, taken hostage, or YOUR premise taken over by squatters?



Burglaries can leave emotional scars…

Feeling guilty for not having done more to prevent it, to losing faith in society, to feelings of anger, mistrust, isolation and fear.

Personal, nostalgic items, whether they are valuable or not, are irreplaceable.

The sentimental value is immeasurable!

Beside the fact that your precious watches, jewellery and money and other valuable family items might be lost forever, the biggest issue in the families, is the fact that family members do not feel safe and secure in their own home anymore.

Here is what some burglary victims state themselves:

"Everything just seemed... a bit repulsive. It's difficult to put into words, "M.” explains, struggling to express the sensation. "If you had asked me earlier, I would have imagined I'd react logically and without emotion to a break-in.

Like, “Let's just sort out the insurance to cover the losses.' But those weren't the feelings I experienced – I was devastated. I felt deeply violated. Especially because they dumped belongings on our bed where we sleep. It felt nauseating. It so happened that my sentimental jewelry wasn't taken, but that didn't alleviate the sense that my personal space had been intruded upon.”


Even though some of your lost items might be reimbursed by the insurance company and the damages will be paid by the insurance. Given that all items where secured according to Insurance policies.

The emotional value and the emotional stress created can’t be paid with any amount of money!


A quite high percentage of people being robbed never feel totally secure, even after many months, in their home, and a substantial percentage are selling their home or relocate to another premise.


It does not have to be that way!


Contact ALPHA1 Security Consulting NOW for a personal, comprehensive, well thought through and professional executed plan

for YOUR personal Security and Safety.

Including all aspects needed to implement the MAXIMUM PROTECTION possible for your budget.

A security assessment of your home will be conducted that includes written recommendations on the following:


  • Security measures that will make your home a harder target for intruders
  • Systems and procedures that assist in responding to a break-in or home invasion
  • Identification of viable Defend in Place rooms and enhancements that will make them more secure.
  • Recommendations of Home Defense Equipment tailored to your experience and needs.

ALPHA1 Security will provide a detailed report that evaluates the effectiveness of your current home security and creates a tailored plan to give you actionable steps & peace of mind :

  • Perimeter Security
  • Surveillance technology
  • Door & window integrity
  • Property visibility & scanability
  • How to fortify your home
  • Home and Self Defense


The Packages include:

  • Education on your home’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Best practices for deterring crime & how to implement them
  • How to respond to an active threat to your home
  • Physiological and cognitive effects of high-stress emergencies and techniques to combat them.

Practice of emergency response training:

  • Alpha1 Security Consulting will control the stress applied and create scenarios so you can practice response options in a safe environment and gain some well-deserved peace of mind while feeling empowered to protect your home.



Get a free Quote today!                                                                Call: +34 653 591 614

or e-mail us on: info@alpha1-security.com                      Use Code: A124 for a special limited offer*

*Offer valid till 31.08.2024

Here are some Statistics:

The State of Home Security in 2023

To understand the significance of home security in 2023, let’s begin with some eye-opening statistics:

1.Burglary Rates: According to recent reports, burglary rates have surged in several regions of Spain in the past year. In 2022, there were over 190,000 reported cases of home burglaries across the country, a number that has seen a noticeable increase since then, especially in the Valencian region.

2.The Work Factor: With the increasing trend away from home office towards traditional  work schemes, many homes remain empty during working hours. This situation makes them more susceptible to break-ins, as thieves take advantage of the absence of occupants.

3.Smart Home Vulnerabilities: As smart home technology continues to gain popularity, so does the risk of cyberattacks and breaches. In 2022, there was a 63% increase in cyberattacks targeting smart home systems.

4.Peace of Mind: Beyond statistics, the feeling of safety and peace of mind is invaluable. Knowing that your home is secure allows you to focus on your daily life without constant worry.

5.Valencian Community: Position No. 2 in burglaries and no. 3 in apartment robberies. 424 Robberies per 100.000 habitants (One of the highest in the EU).

6. Crimes Solved:  

ONLY 2 out of 10 Burglaries are EVER SOLVED!

ONLY 5 out of 100 Cars Stolen are EVER RECOVERED

7. High Index: Murders, assassinations, penetrative sexual assault, non-penetrative sexual assault, robbery with violence, burglaries, burglaries, thefts, vehicle theft and drug trafficking.

8. Average index: fights and kidnappings.



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The Benefits of a secure Home:

Investing in home security goes beyond protection against break-ins, it also enhances your overall quality of life:

1.  Deterrence: Visible security measures, such as cameras and alarms, act as a strong deterrent for potential burglars.

In some but by far NOT all cases, the presence of these systems is enough to prevent a break-in.

2.  Remote Monitoring: With smart technology, you can monitor your home 24/7, no matter where you are. This level of control provides an added value but NOT necessary more security for your house.

3.  Emergency Response: In the unfortunate event of a security breach, modern systems can automatically alert local authorities, reducing response times and increasing the chances of apprehending criminals. Even though with Alarm Systems in place  ONLY 2 out of 10 burglaries are ever solved.

4.  Lower Insurance Premiums: Many insurance companies offer discounts for homes equipped with security systems, potentially saving you money in the long run.

THE Solution:

A well thought trough and executed plan from ALPHA1 Security Consulting can guarantee the MAXIMUM Safety and Security in YOUR home!

Providing and integrating a combination of visible, invisible, electronic, mechanical, and home defense measures, as well as personal and car protection measures, will provide the best solution for YOUR FAMILY, YOUR HOME and YOUR valuable assets.

Now let 's talk about Squatters:

SQUATTERS another Problem:

Cases of squatting have increased by 37% between 2018 and 2022. The average length of the process to recover a home is 20.5 months explains the newspaper “Expansión”. The phenomenon of illegal squatting in Spain has become more prevalent in recent years, as the data show: last year, 16,726 complaints were filed, which is 37% more than the 12,214 in 2018, although the maximum was reached in 2021 with 17,274. During the last legislature, which lasted significantly less than the four years of rigor due to the early elections, there were more than 55,000 complaints in this regard. This is the result of adding the data from 2022 and 2021, already mentioned, to the 14,792 from 2020 and the 6,648 from this year between January and May, according to the data on known facts of illegal occupation of properties compiled by the Ministry of the Interior.

Squatting leads to considerable costs for owners of premise

  • NO possibility to use the House for yourself

  • NO Rental possible therefore significant financial losses

  • Damage in the house

  • Electricity, water and all other bills still need to be paid

  • Legal costs (Layers, Court,)

  • Eviction Company costs

  • And more….

Now Let's talk about Cars:

Car thefts and robberies are on the rise big time as well. 

Especially owning a High Value Car puts you at risk:

  • Your High Value Vehicle with all the Alarm System and Immobilizer Systems will be gone within 60 to 180 seconds with professional and specialized car thieves.

  • There is a growing number of Supermarket or Shopping Centre thefts in the region as well.

Here is what ALPHA1 Security Consulting can do for the safety of your Cars:

  • ALPHA1 Security Consulting has Solutions available for “SMASH  and GRAB” type robberies, as well as for "Car Thefts".


  • There are currently only a few systems which still needs a combined solution, on the market, to give you a 97 to 99% success rate against car theft or car break in attempts.


  • You might say I get a car paid from the insurance if its stolen but again the stress and extra money to pay for all the documents and valuable and emotional things lost is not payable, YET avoidable!


-ALPHA1 Security Consulting can offer you the BEST solution against "CAR THEFT" and “SMASH and GRAB” robberies involving total loss of YOUR Car or mainly mobile phones, wallets, purses, bags and camera thefts with our Unique and effective P.A.R.T. Concept (Protect Against Robberies and Theft)


Now Let's talk about Home Defense:

ALPHA1 Security Consulting  is the ONLY company to offer HOME DEFENSE courses on your premise (T.E.S.E.T.)!

We will give you a fundamental understanding on what is legal in Spain, how to implement and find the BEST most EFFECTIVE and  suitable solution for YOU. 

ALPHA1 Security Consulting  will make sure that  YOU will be able to DEFEND and PROTECT YOUR family from unwanted and threatening Intruders.



*(Tactical Equipment Supply and End User Training)

T.E.S.E.T. will show you all the different variations of Home defense equipment available.

The legal situation and the threat levels you can securely oppose with it.

The advantages and disadvantages of the different tools available.

Alpha1 Security Consulting will help or take over the ordering and licencing process of your chosen equipment, and will then give you a thorough training to implement the different tactics and ways to SECURE and DEFEND YOUR family and YOUR Premises so YOU can sleep SAFE and SOUND! 

NOW Let's talk about Self Defense for Women:

ALPHA1 Security Consulting also provides tailor made

“Self-Defense Courses” for women  (S.A.F.E.) *       

*(Self Defense-Awareness-Familiarization-Execution)

Self Defense for women is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT in our opinion as the general weaker physique of women need to be compensated by more effective techniques, or assistance of force multiplyers, in the worst case scenario happening to females.

That is NOT what ALPPHA1 Security Consulting Courses S.A.F.E. is aiming for though!

Yes  part of it is that you will learn the right techniques to get out of physical challenging situations with stronger and heavier opponenets.

The MAIN FOCUS though is how to AVOID to become a victim or to have to deal with the above scenario at ALL COSTS as it is a EXTREMELY dangerous situation even with a lot of training in Martial Arts or Self Defense.

Remember it will  take ONLY 1 ASSAULT towards YOU to completely change YOUR LIFE FOREVER!!


Here is what Monica has to say:

I have known Peter as a coach for years. In 2021 I had the opportunity to take a self-defense course with him which was really fantastic. The most important thing I learned was that no matter your gender or your age, everyone can learn techniques to defend themselves from complicated situations. It is not about preparing to fight, but about getting out of an attack safely, so that you can flee until you are safe or get the necessary help.


Now Let's talk about Self Defense for Men:

 Self Defense for men is a widely overlooked topic as men are considered the physically stronger gender and therfore know how to defend themselves.

In alot of cases  that is not how it is!

That might have been the case years ago when men where active hunters and warriors. But since then things changed!

On one side the work and living environment became much friendlier, on the other hand the threats on the outside world for different reasons became much more  threatening with less prepared Warriors!

Quite UN-BALANCED - Dont You think?!

Now you might be Martial Arts trained and that will certainly assist you in some cases annd will endager you in others.

All the differences between Martial Arts and street fight and the ways to de-escalate and avoid a fight plus much more, you will learn in the "Self Defense Course" for Men S.A.F.E.+*

*(Self Defense-Awareness-Familiarization-Execution+)

So  specially adapted  techniques for different scenarios will be part of your new routine.

Remember the ONLY Fight YOU WIN!!

- Is the one YOU DID NOT START.!!**

(**YOU might still finish it though!!)    


Why ALPHA1 Security Consulting?

ALPHA1 Security Consulting is the only firm that customizes a training program for YOU and YOUR family to be ready for the unexpected with clarity, confidence and peace of mind.

  • YOUR home and family are unique. You need a prevention and response plan that is specific to your life.

  • YOUR family needs to be confident with your plan

  • Residential crime prevention and response training must be empowering

  • SAFE and effective reality-based training is our specialty

  • To prepare YOURself to respond well in an emergency and protect YOUR home and family, YOU must practice and be mentally and physically familiar with YOUR option       


  • Merely watching a generic video is not sufficient!

  • Contact the only “ONE STOP SHOP”, for YOUR SECURITY AND SAFE LIVING solution ALPHA1 Security Consulting NOW and receive a special offer on our tailormade security packages for you

Use Code: A124 to get a special offer. *

Call: +34 653 591 614   


*Offer valid till 31.08.2024


Background and area of expertise of ALPHA1 Security Consulting Professionals:

● Professional Military Service

● UN Missions in Syria/Israel, Cyprus, Kuwait/Iraq, Kosovo

● Squad Commander Security Guard Unit - UN Headquarters Damascus

● Patrol Base Commander in Cyprus

● Deputy Platoon Leader in Kuwait and Kosovo

● Many other roles involving Perimeter Security, Patrols, Convoy Security and Security on Vehicle + Recoveries.

● 12+ Years of Martial Arts experience

● Car mechanic/Car Electrician

● Specialist on Security and Home Defense Equipment

● and much more....

Talk to and expert NOW!!

CALL +34 653 591 614



Use CODE: A124 for a special time limited offer!*

*Offer valid till 31.08.2024


Advantages of using ALPHA1 Security Consulting:

  • 1 Stop Shop for ALL of your Security needs
  • Exclusive Distributor for some of the leading brands in Home Security and Home defense
  • A well protected home or car is limiting the chances of a burglary or stolen valuables by nearly 100%, as intruders or thieves do NOT like to waste time and want to avoid unwanted attention at all costs.
  • Data from Police and Interpol surveys shows clearly that if intruders need more than

          2-3 min. to enter a premise, or more then 1-2 min. to steal a car they normally give up and leave.

Let's be clear about Security!

There is no 100% guarantee on any system but intruders or thieves will certainly look for the easiest and least protected option available.


Alpha1 Security Consulting will create a solution, so thatYOUR  family, YOU and YOUR valuable assets will be best protected against Intruders, Thieves, Squatters and Personal attacks.


ALPHA1 Security Consulting will make sure that you can sleep           


and feel at HOME in your house.


A service ONLY ALPHA1 Security Consulting can offer currently!


Contact us NOW to receive YOUR special offer with Code:  A124

Tel: +34 653 591 614                 

e-mail: info@alpha1-security.es


facebook: alpha1-security...


  ALPHA1 Security 

STEEL Package



● Initial Assessment

● Detailed Planning offer

   House and Vehicles (P.A.R.T.)

● QA and oversight of

   Equipment installation


ALPHA1 Security

Titanium Package

(High End)

● Initial Assessment

● Detailed Planning offer

  House and Vehicles (P.A.R.T)

● QA and oversight of

   Equipment installation

● Home Defense  



  (Equipment not included)

● Home Defense

   Tactical Equipment End-user

   Training (T.E.S.E.T.)


ALPHA1 Security

Carbon Package


● Initial Assessment

● Detailed Planning offer

  House and Vehicles (P.A.R.T.)

● QA and oversight of

   Equipment installation

● Home Defense



  (Equipment not included)

● Home Defense

   Tactical Equipment End-user

   Training (T.E.S.E.T.)

● Self Defense Course for

   men (S.A.F.E.+)

● Self Defense Course for

   women (S.A.F.E.)


Here is what M. has to say:

"Everything just seemed... a bit repulsive. It's difficult to put into words, "M.” explains, struggling to express the sensation. "If you had asked me earlier, I would have imagined I'd react logically and without emotion to a break-in.

Like, “Let's just sort out the insurance to cover the losses.' But those weren't the feelings I experienced – I was devastated. I felt deeply violated. Especially because they dumped belongings on our bed where we sleep. It felt nauseating. It so happened that my sentimental jewelry wasn't taken, but that didn't alleviate the sense that my personal space had been intruded upon.”


Here is what A.V. has to say:

I was out that evening and returned home around midnight. But what awaited me was anything but the familiar calm I had expected. When I opened the door, I was struck by a picture of chaos - the entire house had been ransacked. Our dog was locked in the garage. I was in shock as I tried to understand what had happened. I was very anxious for weeks afterward. When I left the house, I had an uneasy feeling, as if someone was watching us, waiting to break in again. I didn't feel safe inside the house either. Despite the security we had on the house, it seemed to have been easy for the burglars to find entry. This realization deeply disturbed me and reinforced the feeling of helplessness that had haunted me since the break-in. We then took appropriate steps to better secure our house and property. It was all very time-consuming and research-intensive. At that time, we would have been very grateful if we had gotten everything from a single source. Analysis of weak points, advice on possible improvements and their implementation.

Here is what S.W. has to say:

About Squatters:

We were about to purchase a great house, in a fantastic  location fora  really good price.

One day before we were about to sign for the house we went to visit the house to find SQUATTERS in the home!  It is a really big problem in Spain!

It is so important that if a property is left empty that you fully secure it.

Our current next door neighbours live 6 month on/off in Spain and they also found squatters living in their house It Is a BIG problem!

About Martial Arts:

 Being coached by Peter is fun but also a great place to develop your Martial Arts skills. Peter Looks for your strength areas and works extra hard to perfect them as well as working hard on  your weaknesses. People think they can just turn up to Martial Arts and fight, but they totally ignore the conditioning part and Peter's knowledge in this is second to none! I'm 130 kg 39 years of age and thanks to Peter in top condition.

I would highly trecommend Peter as Martial Arts/Self Defense Coach!

Contact Us

YOUR safety is our concern

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